St Ignatius School prides itself on developing the whole child. To this extent whilst ensuring high quality teaching and learning of the core curriculum the school also aims to complement this with the enrichment curriculum.
All students engage in a rich social emotional curriculum developing the dispositions 'learning tools' that they need to succeed with a particular focus on resilience; persistence; courage; collaboration; reflection and curiosity. Prep and Year 1 participate in a gross and fine motor development program each week - "Crocodile Club".
An engaging Instrumental Study takes place in Year Five offering tuition to all students to learn brass, woodwind or percussion. We have concert bands in both Year 5 and 6 who also compete in the Queensland Catholic Schools Music Festival . Our Middle Years Choir performs at a range of events and celebrations and also collaborate and compete with other schools.
Our Senior Years of 5 and 6 have a strong onus on leadership and providing opportunities for our students to demonstrate leadership in action. We promote and provide opportunities for all of our students to be leaders, there are also positions of Student Representatives and House Leaders that students nominate and take a particular leadership focus on in our school.
Our Green Team is open to all to promote sustainability across our school community.
Our students also have the opportunity to compete in a range of competitions including eSports, chess, debating, STEM Mad, netball and rugby 7's.

Further focus on the importance of indigenous culture occurs through the schools Reconciliation Action Project (RAP) - an Australian wide project which supports future awareness of building positive relationships between indigenous and non-indigenous people. It provides the school with a framework for the future, detailing steps and priorities to achieve indigenous equality. Our First Nations artwork is a vivid portrayal of our deep connection to the land and the spiritual wisdom shared by indigenous people. The symbols embedded within this piece represent the diverse individuals who have walked this path of faith, carrying with them the traditions and teachings that have shaped the fabric of our community. It is a poignant reminder of the importance of acknowledging and cherishing the indigenous heritage that enriches us all.

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Ignatius Catholic Primary School (2023)