Educational Pathways

St Ignatius is a Prep to Year 6 Catholic Primary school.  We are extremely proud of what we have to offer across our Early (Prep – 2), Middle (Year 3 & 4) and Senior (Year 5 & 6).  While primary education is our focus, families do need to consider what secondary pathway will be best for their child.

St Ignatius has longstanding relationships with many Secondary Catholic, Independent and State Schools in our local area and in the inner city of Brisbane. Confidence of enrolment into Secondary Colleges is an important factor in the decision making for families.  To provide confidence to families, St Ignatius and Brisbane Catholic Education have engaged in formal Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) with the following Colleges.

  • Stuartholme College
  • Brigidine College
  • Ambrose Treacy College

Students who meet the criteria for each MoU have the ability to secure a position and choose to enrol in the Year 7 secondary juncture of schooling in these colleges.  Underpinning each of these MoU's is the respect for all parents to choose the education that they desire, and feel is right for their child.

While each of the MoU's are similar in nature, there are also slight differences, so please read each carefully to fully understand the requirements pertaining to a particular College.  Enrolment processes for many Secondary Colleges begin when students are in Year 3, so it is important that families with students in the Early Years of schooling are starting to consider what the best pathway for their child will be.

​If you would like any further information regarding these Mo​U's please contact the office and discuss with a member of the leadership team.  We would be happy to share the host of opportunities that our Middle and Senior Years have in developing their independence and confidence to thrive in their transition to secondary school.​

MoU - Brigidine.pdf

MoU - Stuartholme.pdf

MoU - ATC.pdf