Contact Details

 School Map

School Contact Information
Office 33711094
Out of School Hours Care 38703270
Postal Address 46 Grove Street, Toowong. Brisbane 4066


Parish Contact Information
Parish Priest Fr Greg Jacobs
Address 30 Kensington Terrace, Toowong
Phone 38707818
Email toowong@bne.​
Web Address Parish of St Ignatiu​s


 Staff at St Ignatius School



 Mr Duncan Maitland


 Assistant to the Principal (APRE)

 Mrs Sue Suter​

​ Primary Learning Leader

​ Miss Anne Tredenick

 S​chool Secretary

 Mrs Rosemary Mahon


 School Secretary

 Mrs Sarah Murphy

 School Secretary

 Mrs Tina de Wytt

​School Secretary​
​Mrs Kristine Landsberg

 Classroo​m Teachers

 Year 6 Blue Teacher

 Ms Anneleise Gaulton

 Year 5 White Teacher

 Mr Michael Lidstone

 Year MYBlue Teacher

 Mrs Sophie Nicholson
​ Year MYWhite Teacher
​ Ms Danielle Beveridge

 Year MYGreen Teacher

 Ms Zoe Argus

 Year 2 Blue Teacher

 Mr Alexander Woodland

 Year 2 White Teacher

 Mrs Dee Palmer  

 Mrs Beth Kerr


 Year 1 Blue Teacher

 Mrs Maurgan O'Brien

 Mrs Amy Cumming


 Year 1 White Teacher

 Ms Linley Ellis

 Prep Blue Teacher

 Mrs Janene Stack

 Mrs Letitia O'Loan​​

 Prep White Teacher

 Miss Holly Haling


 Specialist Teachers

 Teacher Librarian

 Mrs Susan Ross 


 Learn​ing Support Teacher

 Ms Amy Russell

 Physical Education Teacher

 Mrs Brenda Nohreiter


 Music Teacher

 Ms Liesl Murray

​ Mandarin (LOTE) Teacher

​ Miss Yaying Zou

 Guidance Counsellor

 Mrs Christine Gleeson 


 Crocodile Club Coordinator

 Mrs Brenda Nohreiter


 School Officers

 Classroom Aide

 Mrs Tonya Steffens


 Classroom Aide

 Edward Gibson

 Classroom Aide

 Mrs Robyn Rigley

​ Classroom Aide
​ Mrs Melita Conradie
​ Prep Aide

​ Mrs Liz Guy​
​ ​Prep Aide

​ Mrs Janine Curcuruto
​Library Aide

​ Mrs Angela Henry

​​                                                                 ​